The chart above talks about "Initial Fulfillment" and "Larger Fulfillment" . . . . .
I'm sorry, but that is a "type" and "antitype". . ..
I thought JWs aren't subscribing to that crap anymore. . . . Hmmmmmm. . .,
The chart above talks about "Initial Fulfillment" and "Larger Fulfillment" . . . . .
I'm sorry, but that is a "type" and "antitype". . ..
I thought JWs aren't subscribing to that crap anymore. . . . Hmmmmmm. . .,
this is part of the speech that anthony morris iii gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 annual meeting.. at 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting.
"what role do those with an earthly hope play?
oh oh ho veeeery important role, very important.
I don't know. . . In the context, it seems like the "men" he is referring to are "brothers."
The story starts out with how those with an earthly hope - JWs, not "worldly folks" - have the "very important" role of supporting Christ's brothers.
It goes without saying that the rest of the world have no role in the first place. They could care less.
Then he goes on to the story about being dissed in a "branch territory." Again he could have said he was poorly treated in "another country" but specifically used the term "branch."
It really wouldn't make sense if it were just "worldlies" who are pissing him off - that's to be expected; and they're all burnt hot dogs via Big Brother Jesus' firebolts anyway.
However, it does seem he is making the point that those with an earthly hope - the ones who are supposed to support him- are the ones who dissed him, and thus they will have to deal with JC.
Just my take on it.
all the dubs pouring into melbourne, australia for the international convention gonna choke on their cornflakes when they read this ....
This guy bears a resemblance - both in looks and style of storytelling - to Wakeupwitness (at least that used to be his name) on YouTube.
Always enjoyed those vids. Came across as honest and straightforward, but not particularly Australian.
this is part of the speech that anthony morris iii gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 annual meeting.. at 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting.
"what role do those with an earthly hope play?
oh oh ho veeeery important role, very important.
somehow, i don't have a warm fuzzy feeling when i keep hearing from the center of disease control, "ebola is not spread through the air ...".
ever sneezed?
the famous myth busters had a revealing show on the power of the sneeze anecdotally it has a velocity of some 35 miles per hour and travels a distance of some 30 feet.. ever traveled in the close confines of an air liner?
"Ebola is not spread through the air ..."
It sure as crap is!
Four weeks ago it got on a plane and travelled 7,000 miles from Liberia to Texas!
this interview in der spiegel is well worth your time.... peter piot was one of the scientists who discovered ebola in 1976. turns out it was the fault of catholic nuns who coldn't be bothered to sterilise the needles they were using to administer vitamins to pregnant women.. he describes the present outbreak as "a perfect storm" which could claim a frightening number of lives in africa and india.
he doesn't see it as a serious threat to countries with a modern health care system.. "i still remember exactly: one day in september, a pilot from sabena airlines brought us a shiny blue thermos and a letter from a doctor in kinshasa in what was then zaire...".
Nah, it wasn't. It probably came from bats and spread by neglectful nuns.
So it came from bats and was spread by "old bats."
Yes!!! This is wonderful.
Welcome back!
why, if you're a health care worker who's been exposed to the ebola virus, would you get on an airplane and travel right after?.
This confirms my sneaking suspicion that this country is actually as ass-backwards as I think it is.
this is part of the speech that anthony morris iii gave during his time in the limelight at the 2014 annual meeting.. at 3.16.32 of the recorded meeting.
"what role do those with an earthly hope play?
oh oh ho veeeery important role, very important.
After listening to that comment, I wish there really was a Christ in heaven. . . . .
Everyone would take a few steps away from Tony next time he's on the golf course. . . . .
hi guys,.
here's the press release for jw podcast, where we discuss the show and the presenters.. i'd love to hear your feedback!.
Great! Something to listen to as I commute to university.